CAVEWAS is dedicated to promoting Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Work Adjustment and Job Development / Placement services as a defined discipline within Human Resources, Disability Management, Employment Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
Vocational Assessment is the process of identifying and appraising an individual’s level of functioning in relation to vocational preparation, employment selection and career decision making.
Following injury or the onset of physical or mental health problems affecting vocational performance, many individuals receive vocational rehabilitation services to identify possible vocational options and to learn how to perform successfully in specific work roles. Assessment is often an important part of such services. Vocational rehabilitation specialists seek to determine the nature of the client’s interests, (remaining) functional abilities, and coping resources.
People often do not have precise occupational goals and aspirations. They frequently have insufficient or inaccurate information about the labour market and limited self-knowledge of their own interests and abilities. Vocational Assessment is the process of identifying and appraising an individual’s level of functioning in relation to vocational preparation and employment decision making.
Vocational Evaluation is a comprehensive process which assists individuals with employment challenges to learn more about their abilities, skills, talents, interests and potential and how these characteristics can correspond to the labour market. The end result of such a process is the identification of realistic employment and career goals, and the creation of a road-map of how the individual can achieve them.
Work Adjustment is a transitional, time-limited, systematic training program which helps people achieve their optimal level of vocational development. Utilizing real or simulated work, the intent of the program is to assist persons to understand the meaning, value, and demands of work; to learn or re-establish skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, work behaviours, to develop functional abilities and tolerance for work. Work adjustment is not a one-time service but is a part of a process or continuum.
Employment Services – Individuals working in employment services may hold the designations of Registered Vocational Professional (RVP) or Registered Community Support Specialist (RCSS), as is awarded by CAVEWAS and the VRA. They are employed as career developers, human resource specialists, disability managers, employment counselors, job coaches, work adjustment practitioners, job developers, job placement specialists, return to work specialists, etc. These professionals provide direct services and supports to persons with impairment, disability or disadvantage in order to foster achievement of the individual’s vocational goals in the most integrated setting possible. This can be with their old employer, current employer or new employer.
Job Development / Placement Services is intended to find employers who will provide positions within their environment for purposes of training and coaching new recruits and matching clients with disability and / or disadvantage to jobs. The services incorporate a number of strategies and techniques to ensure for the best possible chance of safe and sustainable employment outcomes.
Professionals working in this field recognize the extent of their knowledge and skill and provide only services and techniques for which they are qualified through training and / or supervised experience.
The Scope of Practice includes:
- Assessment, evaluation and appraisal
- Standardized testing and reporting
- Vocational forensic analysis and reporting
- Life care planning and reporting
- Goal setting and intervention planning
- Career (vocational) development, counselling and facilitation
- Labour market analysis and trend identification
- Employment counselling, interviewing and interpersonal communications
and coaching - Individual and group counselling and other strategies and interventions focused on facilitating adjustments to the physiological and psychosocial impact of disability and / or disadvantage
- Occupational research and tool identification
- Job analysis, job search training, job development, and placement services, including assistance with employment, job accommodations and access to ergonomic solutions
- Adherence to professional ethics and best practice
Board of Directors

Renee Daudlin-Iocobelli

Marg Smith