January 1, 2021

Celebrating 50 years! A VRA Canada Timeline

To celebrate VRA Canada’s 50th anniversary in 2020, members gathered online in lieu of an in person meeting to share memories and lessons learned that have brought them together through VRA Canada. The themes and lessons gleaned from the past offer members a solid foundation to build on for the next 50 years. These memories and lessons have been brought together in a colourful and fun timeline mural for everyone to look at, learn from and share. Here’s a link to that impressive document.

If you have memories or lessons to share about the past year, or from further back in our 50 years, send them to voices@vracanada.com. This is a living document that will grow as the association grows.

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Dr. Garry Corbett

Dr. Garry Corbett

I fell in love with the field of vocational rehabilitation and assisting people going back to work